Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Tuesday?

Wow...it has been a while.

Since one of my New Year's Resolution is to get more organized, I decided today would be as good a day to began as any. I un-decorated the house, hauled all the boxes up to the attic, and dragged the naked Christmas tree outside. Then it was time for some laundry...three large loads later and everything was washed, dried, and folded. Then it was on to gifts. I ordered a wedding present and a baby gift, planned out our menu for the week and went to the grocery store. Organized all the candy in our house into a chocolate tuberware, a non-chocolate tuberware, and a tuberware of Canadian candy...then I cleaned out the top cabinet in our kitchen and stacked it there out of my reach. Resolution number two is to try to eat more natural and healthy products. Then I took A to gym class and got her back on our normal schedule too. I would say, it was a pretty productive day.

But on to the fun stuff. Let me fill you in on Christmas!!! As you know, we spent Christmas this year in Canada with my in-laws and my hubby's whole family out there. It was so much fun, well minus the rain and general dreary weather, but hey it did make me appreciate our few half days of sun! We saw everyone we possibly could, helped throw a surprise birthday party of 35 for my MIL, got to spend some quality time with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great-grandparents, and laughed pretty much each minute. I forget just how fun A can be until I get her in a new setting and see her through the eyes of people who only see her every few months. It was amazing to watch their surprise and excitement over her...just perfect.

Sorry...I got sidetracked again...here is what I know you were waiting for..presents :)

Everyone spoiled A way too much, to the point where we had an entire extra suitcase of just presents. Some highlights from here and in Canada included a Thomas the Train bath set with a little railroad and Thomas of course, Playdough, a baby doll and cradle (which she got here thank goodness, because I couldn't have traveled with that thing)and she drags it everywhere she goes, some footed p.j's, an airplane, an adorable North Face purple jacket, monogrammed puppy-dog sleeping bag, and maybe her all time favorite (only because I have the "in" of living with her I knew this one would be a hit) a preschool sized backpack! I am sure I am forgetting some, but it is late and I am tired :)

So, not only was Christmas a huge hit with our little tot, but we got to spend so much time with both sides of our family, it made our Christmas too.

Daily Mom

And here, on my NEW menu board that my Mother In Law made me for Christmas!!!! is our menu for the week! Hope you can read it. Wednesday and Friday's dinner are brought to you courtesy of a new website called SkinnyTaste that is pretty darn perfect.

More picture to come later, but it is dinner time, I am starving, and my wine glass is dangerously low...

1 comment:

  1. that is a great menu bored i was thinking i need to make something similar to this Hi newest follower from MBC


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